Smart workforce structures versus regional development in European Union countries of new accession (EU12)

The first objective of the hereby paper is to present dynamic analysis and assessment of workforce structure in EU12 countries based on structural and geographical shift-share analysis (SSA). Workforce structure in economic sectors, distinguished based on R&D work intensity, was the subject of diversification and transformations assessment. The second aim of the paper is to assess relations between smart specialization and economic cohesion by measuring both the intensity and direction of their mutual relations.Thestudy was conducted among countries and NUTS-2 level regions of new accession from 2004 and 2007 (EU12).
Sobczak, E., & Bal-Domańska, B. (2013). Smart workforce structures versus regional development in European Union countries of new accession (EU12). W P. Jedlicka (Red.), The International Conference Hradec Economic Days 2013. Economic Development and Management of Regions. Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings, Part III (ss. 349–360). Gaudeamus.