Selected elements of the tourist and leisure activities of young people aged 16-18 years of age and their families
Abstract The problem of low levels of physical activity of youth is very current, both in Poland and in Europe. This phenomenon is largely due to the adverse effects of development of society. Poland belongs to the group of countries in which the problem of non-communicable diseases (of civilization) only begins to be distributed. Aim of this study is to assess the level of awareness of recreation and tourism, students aged 16-18 years, studying at High School No. III in Torun, and their parents in the context of health. Materials and methods. The study has been young people aged 16 - 18 years, attending the High School No. 3 in Torun. Joined the study a total of 120 people. They were randomly selected 20 people from the two classes, each vintage. A total of 20 boys were surveyed and 20 girls of Class I, II and III of the Lyceum. Young people filled a questionnaire containing 44 questions. Pupils have achieved matriculation much better average than other respondents. After analyzing the results of the average ratings can be concluded that the students surveyed represent the average level, and their evaluation with final exams approaching consciousness rising. Conclusions. Thus, the combination of the desire of young people from inappropriate use of leisure time, and inadequate education of the parents, giving the current state of tourism and recreational activities of the young generation of Poles.
Prusik K, Prusik K, Bartik P, Dix B, Szewczyk P, Zukow W. Selected elements of the tourist and leisure activities of young people aged 16-18 years of age and their families. Wybrane elementy aktywności rekreacyjno-turystycznej młodzieży w wieku 16-18 lat i ich rodzin. Journal of Health Sciences. 2013;3(10):055–088.