Rozmowa z Turczynem o wierze krześcijańskiej Bartłomieja Georgiewicza jako XVI-wieczna realizacja misji antytureckiej w Polsce
The article presents the 16th century turcicum, published in Cracow in 1548 under the title Rozmowa z Turczynem o wierze krześcijańskiej i o tajności Trójce Świętej, która w Al-koranie stoi napisana (‘The dispute with a Turk over the Christian faith and the mys-tery of the Holy Trinity found in the Quran’). It is a Polish translation of two combined Latin editions of the works by the Hungarian Bartholomaeo Georgius, published in Cracow in the same year. The author printed his anti-Turkish writings in many West European cities, but the eponymous religious dispute, not published until 1548, gives the Polish edition a special, missionary and hortatory meaning. It is a well thought-out whole containing a reprimand addressed to the superiors of the Church, infor-mation on the life realities of the the Ottoman Empire inhabitants (including captives and Christian subjects), and the culminating exhortation calling for an anti-Turkish crusade. Its message corresponds with the idea present in the European writings of that period which aimed at the spiritual strenghtening of the Christian soldier.