Zrównoważony rozwój mobilności w polskich aglomeracjach – wyzwanie dla rządu czy samorządów?

The article provides an overview of the national and local government roles in shaping sustainable mobility. It first discusses main directions of the European Union policies in the field of mobility. At the national level, barriers to the development of mobility determined by the current legal order are defined. At the level of local governments, key measures are identified that allow more effective management of mobility. The summary includes recommendations for solutions that would contribute to a more sustainable development of mobility in Polish agglomerations.
Czerliński, M., Wolański, M. (2022). Zrównoważony rozwój mobilności w polskich aglomeracjach – wyzwanie dla rządu czy samorządów?. Studia BAS, 3(71), 7–25. https://doi.org/10.31268/StudiaBAS.2022.19
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