Innovative Social Services for Families in Selected Countries of the World – Requests for Poland
The aim of the publication is to present the innovative social issues as a new version of the form of support for an active social policy to families. The article presents the issues related to social services - deyelopment of social sendces, the assumptions regarding the implementation of social services in Poland. In addition, this article discusses examples of innovative solutions in the field of social sendces to families in selected countries of the world. To sum up, in the conclusions the recommendations for Poland associated with the implementation of professional services as a challenge to the growing role and importance of social sendces to families in the 21st cenfury, were generalized.
A. Durasiewicz, Innovative Social Services for Families in Selected Countries of the World – Requests for Poland – w: “E-społeczeństwo w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej. Teraźniejszość i perspektywy rozwoju.” pod red. Sławomira Partyckiego, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2015