Laboratorium (nie)możliwości. Spojrzenie na kondycję edukacji medialnej jako edukacji kulturowej we współczesnej szkole
The aim of the article is the analysis of the condition of media education as the cultural education in the modern school. The laboratory – is at this point understood as an epistemological metaphor – a way of thinking about the education and at the same time as a methodological postulate. The fundamental thesis is that the modern school must overcome its rooted traditionalism and change in order to keep up with the dynamic cultural reality. During didactic actions it is necessary to apply the methods of teaching, which specify the model of interaction, and to acquire the media competence by pupils, competence understood not as a completely new effect of education, but versatile stimulation of the abilities so far marginalized (visual, audial, spacial, gesticulatory) and simultanously regarded as crucial in today’s heterogeneous communication community. The metaphor of laboratory, in which researchers strive to merge that what is technical along with humanistic and historical with the contemporary, is intended to combine the media education by media and for media.
Copik, I. (2015). Laboratorium (nie)możliwości : spojrzenie na kondycję edukacji medialnej jako edukacji kulturowej we współczesnej szkole.W: J. Budzik, I. Copik (red.), Edukacja przez słowo-obraz-dźwięk (s..41-62). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego