Effects of local soil conditions on earthquake damages

In projecting of structure systems it is necessary to take the interaction between structure-foundation-ground triplets. While designing engineering structures, structure foundation should operate in accordance with the ground as much as possible and should fulfill the design criteria in geotechnical and structural means. Structure-ground interaction should be a non-negligible element of structure design. The local geological soil conditions change the characteristics of surface seismic response. The structural damages after earthquakes have been influenced significantly by local soil conditions. In this study the effects of local soil conditions on earthquake damages have been evaluated. The aim of study was also to evaluate the interaction between soil conditions and structures. In a frame of a common model where ground environment, foundation type and superstructure are taken into consideration together, mutual interaction of ground and structure during earthquake should be taken into account while making the calculations. The other goal of this study is evaluate the impact of local soil conditions on structural design.
Işik E., Büyüksaraç A., Aydin M.C., Effects of local soil conditions on earthquake damages, [in:] Journal of Current Construction Issues. CIVIL ENGINEERING PRESENT PROBLEMS, INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS - Sustainable Development in Construction, ed. Jarosław Górecki, BGJ Consulting, 2016