The Ability of Tacit Knowledge Sharing as the Competence Needed in the Knowledge Economy

In recent years groves the importance of competence in the process of seeking employment and to adapt education systems. Competence of employees builds and improves the organization. In the knowledge-based economy, intellectual ability of workers in particular tacit knowledge is necessary to build the company's capital. Tacit knowledge, in contrast to explicit knowledge is knowledge of individual people, not the organization as a whole. It is practical knowledge stems from an understanding of explicit knowledge. It is a key strategic factor in determining the competitiveness of the organization in the market. The ability to build tacit knowledge as practical knowledge is necessary competence in the economy of the future. The market of educational services and employment cannot operate in isolation from each other, they complement each other.
Ciechanowska Dorota, The Ability of Tacit Knowledge Sharing as the Competence Needed in the Knowledge Economy [in:]Kvalifikácia pre budúcnost’. Zborník recenzovaných vedeckých prác s medzinárodnou účast’ou, Košice 2014, pp 114-120