Wyzwania translatorskie na sali rozpraw na przykładzie praktyki tłumaczenia sądowego w Austrii

As an expert in intercultural communication the court interpreter actively participates in the court proceedings. The law makes him a guardian of human rights and of a fair trial. This article describes what happens during a trial, focussing on the challenges faced by court interpreters, as exemplified by the practice of law courts in Austria. Court interpreting is difficult not only due to its linguistic and translational complexity, but also because of its institutional framework and over-high expectations of some of its participants. The author points to the importance of particular skills and knowledge of the interpreter, the improvement of which is likely to make his job successful.
Nartowska, Karolina (2013) Wyzwania translatorskie na sali sądowej na przykładzie praktyki tłumaczenia sądowego w Austrii w: Lingua Legis 21, 43-54
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