Ecological foods as major health quality and well-beeing determinants in humans

The following thesis presents a strict relation between health and nutritional behaviour. It has been proven that in an attempt t ta health more and more people, including P les, resort to organic f1 d. The main rea n for purcha ing [i from ecological farms is, abo e all, trying to avoid the health ri k related the con wnption of con entional food. Organic food guarantee high nutritional valu owing to the en ironmental conditions of production of agricultural product , alon \l ith the method of production, different fr m that typical fi od. 1\.11 these factors are enough of guarantee of the organic food s quality and healthines . The functi nal pr perties of organic food qualit it as food which c ntributcs human health, playing on c ntial preventory part of the human nutrition. The ab e-mentioned pr perties are a result of containing a Ya t range f ingredients owing to which food organic the status of functional food. Th ingredients such as itamins (particular vit. C) mineral ingredient , NNKT and al o a more advantageous aminoacid structure of protein, are be £ und much more fr qu ntly in ecological food, rather than in conventi nal food.
K. Szołtysek, S. Dziuba: „Ecological foods as major health quality and well-beeing determinants in humans”. Materiały III Międzynarodowej Konferencji „Aktualne problemy badań naukowych – 2007, t. 7: Matematyka, współczesne technologie informatyczne, fizyka, chemia i technologia chemiczna, ekologia” Dniepropietrowsk, 2007