Autoreferencyjność w dwóch baśniach europejskich: w Oślej Skórce Charlesa Perraulta i w O głupim, co ożeniuł się z królowną i został królem (baśń polska)
The article Autoreferentiality in Two European Fairy Tailes: Charles Perrault’s “Donkeyskin” and “On a Fool who Married a Princess and Became a King” offers a critical introduction to Charles Perrault’s Donkeyskin fairy tale, published for the first time in Polish in this very issue of “Creatio Fantastica” journal, as well as a comparative analysis of French and Polish editions of the aforementioned work along with a lesser known Polish one, entitled On a Fool who Married a Princess and Became a King. Anne-Marie Monluçon uses those texts as an exemple of the use of the “text-within-a-text” or “story-within-a-story” (mise en abyme) narrative device and proceeds with an in-depth interpretation and close reading of the fairy tales in order to explore their autoreferentiality. Finally, the author focuses on how Charles Perrault succeded in finding a “middle voice” between the literary fairy tale and a folk one—and, at the same time, how autoreferentiality and mise en abyme may be successfully utilized in both genres, challenging the way one may want to draw differences between literature performed for the courtly joy of the highborns and on the backyard for the common folk.
Anne-Marie Monluçon, Autoreferencyjność w dwóch baśniach europejskich: w Oślej Skórce Charlesa Perraulta i w O głupim, co ożeniuł się z królowną i został królem (baśń polska), "Creatio Fantastica" 2016, nr 2 (53), s. 7-21.