A minority language in the globalizing world: The Buryat language on the internet

The situation of languages on the Internet seems to reproduce their situation in offline reality: dominant languages with a large number of users and support from state and society are more widespread. This does not mean, however, that minority languages are not present in the Internet. In this paper, using the example of the Buryat language, we are trying to show that websites or webpages in minority languages are created not only for instrumental but also autotelic reasons. Buryats make efforts to preserve their own language and culture; they are driven by a desire to emphasize their activity or by comparison with other nations which have websites in their own languages. An important issue in our discussion is the relationship between efforts aimed at the preservation and development of ethnic language in spoken and written form and the development of web content in that language. We thus show the relationship between “on-line” and “off-line” problems faced by Buryats today.
Zhanaev, A., & Połeć, W. (2019). A minority language in the globalizing world: The Buryat language on the internet. Adeptus, (14), 1979. https://doi.org/10.11649/a.1979
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