Matching Imitative Activity of High-Tech Firms with Entrepreneurial Orientation
As pointed by numerous scholars high technology sectors are very apt for studying entrepreneurial actvites due to their high levels of innovatveness. However, taking into account the highly dynamic and substantally hostle environment in those sectors, innovaton may ofen not be the best strategic choice for market entry. In fact, the business practce confrms the extensive utlizaton of imitaton strategy by technology entrepreneurs Meanwhile, the literature on entrepreneurship focuses almost exclusively on original innovators, underestmatng the importance of imitaton in the growth process and indicatng shortage of research on imitatve actvites of entrepreneurs. Therefore this artcle presents discussion on the applicability of entrepreneurial orientaton to imitators from the high-tech industries.
Najda-Janoszka, M., Matching Imitative Activity of High-Tech Firms with Entrepreneurial Orientation. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI), 2012, vol. 8, nr 1 : Technology Entrepreneurship. Ed. by M. Gancarczyk, s. 52-67