Śląskie genius horti - między ogrodem wyobrażonym a założeniem urbanistycznym

In the end of XIX century on the area of Upper Silesia G. Giesche began construction of the Garden City - workers' housing which is a synthesis of the city and garden. These places were to be an independently functioning, taking into account the ecological conditions and allows its users to return to nature by placing housing developments outside the industrial cities. In such way was created a new living space - new quality area characterized by a specific aesthetic and topological notions that distinguish it from the city and build its identity. That's how Garden City - fenced area with its characteristically treated nature and time forming a kind of space memory - becomes a space of individual and collective meanings.
Kamila Luft, Monika Sadowska, Śląskie genius horti - między ogrodem wyobrażonym a założeniem urbanistycznym, "Anthropos?" 2014, nr 22
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