Organisational structure in the process of integration on the example of iron and steel industry enterprises in Poland
The iron and steel industry, like the entire economy, was undergoing transformation processes in the 1990s. An inspiration for these changes was signing by Poland of the Association Agreement with the European Union in December 1991. This document sets directions for functioning of the ironworks in Poland. It resulted in the development of the ironworks restructuring processes in the years 1992, 1998, 2001–2003, aimed at the improvement of their economic efficiency. It meant seeking economic efficiency of metallurgical enterprises, also known as fundamental changes in their organisational structures. A number of literature sources, both Polish and English recognise the issue of reforms by means of restructuring employment, finances, and resources. In the 1990s and in the first decade of the 21st century, the influence of the organisational structure on the efficiency of iron and steelworks was studied more and more frequently. Their theoretical justification is found in, i.a. the works of M. Weber, H. Fayol, Zb. Zakrzewski, A. Krupski, A. Stabryła, A. Nalepka, A. Kozina and others. Scientific suggestions in publications have given rise to the discourse that organisational structures should be dealt within a social and technical aspects, as processes, sets, and events. They are one of the most important tools for the management, a factor binding the enterprise with the environment. Today the predominant view is that the organisational structure is influenced by many factors and in principle to a different extent. It means that the determinants and principles of shaping enterprise organisational structures should be considered in two aspects: theoretical and utilitarian. The achievements of organisational and management theories have been utilised, as this doctrine orders certain practical experiences, formulates hypotheses and theorems according to logical rules of inference, applying in this field achievements of other areas of science in such matters e.g.: economics, law, sociology, psychology. The other dimension refers to economic practice of operating enterprises and changing environment. In both cases the enterprise is considered as organisation that is the dominant form of collective life, covering almost all aspects of human activity. This is emphasised by K. Mreła, J. Jaszek, K. Krzakiewicz, S. Cyfert, A.K. Koźmiński, E. Michalski, S. Flaszewska, M. Potoczek, S. Podczarski, H. Dźwigol, J. Brzóska, J. Pyka, A. Hamrol, R. Miśkiewicz. Due to the modular character of the structure, with weak coherency which constitute a significant majority, the interaction of individual factors does not cause identical changes in shaping all dimensions of the structure. If the organisational structures were coherent, the interaction with one of their modules would lead to modification of all the other modules and thus achieving the assumed goals. In fact, structures are poorly coherent and the associated modularity of the structure and loose connections between modules, autodynamism, and interactive effects define a set of internal conditions through which the context interacts with the causal structure and determinants. Contextual conditioning, usually referred to as an environment, is divided into internal and external. The first relates to: technology, employees’ knowledge, organisation life cycle stages, organisation size. The latter expresses legal, economic, cultural and social environment, also considering globalisation processes in the modern economy and its development paradigm, where knowledge is an important link. The subject of research, adopted aims and hypotheses have determined the choice of both research methods related to processing of materials and systematisation of results and analytical methods in relation to the studied literature. In addition, the index of general efficiency of restructuring, indicator analysis, induction method and graphical method were used. A monograph was given both theoretical and utilitarian value, which was reflected in its structure.