Segmentacja rynku turystycznego na podstawie pomiaru percepcji wizerunku miasta
The article discusses the necessity of segment the tourist market on the city level, which is strongly connected with the evaluation of different attributes of the city tourism product and its image perceived by the tourists. A study was conducted among hotel guests who stayed in Poznan (Poland) in the first quarter of 2009. The research allowed to identify the most relevant attributes of the city's image based on which the segmentation of respondents was made. The factor analysis of the city image attributes allowed to identify six hidden dimensions of the image including the affective dimension, tourist infrastructure, entertainment and gastronomy, tourist attractions, functional dimension and hospitality. Two segments of users who significantly differ in terms of evaluation of Poznan tourism product were identified: moderate satisfiers – those who were perceive the elements of Poznan image as average and satisfiers – the tourists who value these elements high.
Nowacki M., Zmyślony P. (2012). Segmentacja rynku turystycznego na podstawie pomiaru percepcji wizerunku miasta, w: Popyt turystyczny. Konsumpcja - segmentacja - rynki, "Ekonomiczne problemy usług" nr 84, ZN US nr 699, 227-240.