‘Stability is a foggy concept’: work stability from the perspective of young people with mobility experiences
Currently, substantial attention is being paid to flexibility in the working life of young people. Stability is a conceptual companion of flexibility; however, its role has been vastly underestimated in the literature on working life. The key aim of this article is to explore the processes of meaning-making concerning work stability among young people with mobility experiences. Focusing on the intersection between career studies, mobility studies, and youth studies, the aim is to answer the following research questions. (1) How do young people with mobility experiences perceive stability in the context of the labour market? (2) What are the roles of spatial mobility and previous work experience in the perception of work stability? Based on qualitative data, the process of defining, redefining, questioning and denying the concept of work stability is discussed, showing that this process is subject to continuous verification and re-evaluation based on previous work experiences.
This article was prepared under the research projects: (1) ‘Education-to-domestic and-foreign labour market transitions of youth: The role of locality, peer group and new media’ funded by the National Science Centre in Poland under the Sonata Bis 5 Program, grant number 2015/18/E/HS6/00147, and (2) ‘INSIMO: Work (in)stability and spatial (im)mobility from the perspective of young people on the move. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic' funded by the National Science Centre in Poland under the Preludium20 Program, grant number 2021/41/N/HS6/03681.
Winogrodzka D. (2023). ‘Stability is a foggy concept’: work stability from the perspective of young people with mobility experiences, Journal of Youth Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2023.2271843.