Holokaust, Porrajmos, Samudaripen… Tworzenie nowej mitologii narodowej

The article presents the processes of rethinking from nowadays point of view of the Holocaust of the Gypsies during the Second World War. The question is not about the individual rethinking from the Holocaust survivors, but about new type of constructing of the historical memory of the whole community, connected with the processes of it’s identity changes in new, ethno-national paradigm. Based on the attempts to create “new collective memory” several odd cases appear in the “secondary” edition of the historical memory of the Holocaust in different countries of Eastern Europe. Parallel with this we are witnessing creation of internal division in the borders of the Gypsy community itself in terms how different layers of Gypsy communities estimate the history of the Holocaust.

O artìklo mothovel sär, katar-o nevo dikhan e akanitkone (avdusne) godǎqëro, vazdinǒl jekh nevi percèpcia e Zigeunerenqëre Samudarimasqëri and-o 2-to Sasundalìtko maripen. Na kerdǒl dùma pal-o individuàlo virdikhipen e Rromenqëro, save aćhile ʒivde pal-o Samudaripen, tok pala jekh neve tiposqëri konstrùkcia e historikane serimasqëri (memoriaqëri) anda sa o khetanipen, and-i relàcia lesqëre identitetaqëre paruvimaça karing jekh nevi etno-selikani paradìgma. Lindor sär bàza zumavimàta te biandǎrdǒl jekh “nevo khetano seripen”, sikavel sär khrigalutne sure dikhlǒn and-i “dujtikani” edìcia e historikane serimasqëri (memoriaqëri) vaś-o Samudaripen anda vërvëra thema e Disǔtne Evropaqëre. Paralel akale procesoça, anel angl-i jakh sär kerdǒn andrutne divìzie and-o rromano khetanipen, pal-o ćhand sär vërvëra kustika e rromane khetanimatenqëre molden e Samudarimasqëri història.
Elena Marushiakova, Vesselin Popov, Holokaust, Porrajmos, Samudaripen… Tworzenie nowej mitologii narodowej, "Studia Romologica", 2010, nr 3, s. 75-94.
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