Unia gospodarcza i walutowa w świetle teorii optymalnych obszarów walutowych – wnioski z kryzysu

The article explores the relationship between development of monetary integration within the European Union and the Optimum Currency Areas (OCA) theory, with particular attention given to lessons learned from eurozone crisis. The author begins with presenting the OCA theory, its evolution and role in the crea‑tion of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Next, the financial crisis in eurozone is discussed in light of the OCA theory and EMU reforms, with particular focus on financial stability, fiscal policy and financial integration. The author argues that the crisis highlighted the importance of ensuring shock absorption mechanisms, as well as turned attention to financial integration and fiscal union criterion of the OCA.
Adamiec, D. (2019). Unia gospodarcza i walutowa w świetle teorii optymalnych obszarów walutowych – wnioski z kryzysu. Studia BAS, 3(59), 31–48. https://doi.org/10.31268/StudiaBAS.2019.19
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