Fenomen urbanizacji i procesy z nim związane

The article presents urbanization and the processes related to it, studying them in the context of mainly western literature of the subject. It highlights the complexity and multi-faceted nature of the phenomenon and notion of urbanization within its different aspects, i.e. demographic, social, economic, spatial, etc. Some definitional deficiencies and limitations are indicated, which result from the fact that the theoretical descriptions lag behind the real-life processes taking place in the socio-economic space of the developed, developing and underdeveloped countries. Numerous events and processes accompanying urbanization are discussed, such as: counterurbanization, suburbanization, desurbanization, reurbanization, exurbanization, urban sprawl, spread city, exurb, dispersed city, edge city, non-metropolitan turnaround, rural repopulation, deglomeration, deconcentration, decentralization, urbanism, displaced-urbanization, anti-urbanization, rural revival, rural regeneration, scattered urban settiement, redirected urbanization, dispersed concentration of population, ribbon urbanization, periurbanization, homo urbanus, japanization, backwash urbanization, rurbanization, hyperurbanization, agglutination, deruralization, ruralization, rurality, rural lifestyle, new ruralism, kotadesai (desakota), ruralopolis, semiurbanization, semi-urban areas.
Szymańska, D., Biegańska, J. 2011: Fenomen urbanizacji i procesy z nim związane. In: Słodczyk, J. i Śmigielska, M. (red.), Procesy urbanizacji i ich uwarunkowania na początku XXI wieku, Opole: Uniwersytet Opolski, ss. 13-39
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