Izolacja i komunikacja. Rodzaje izolacji i towarzyszące im deficyty komunikacyjne
The article considers various types of isolation and the communication deficits that characterize them. Taking into account oppositions: individual-collective and willcoercion, the following four isolation situations could be created: when a group isolates itself from others (stronghold), when a group isolates individuals from itself (prison), when an individual isolates itself from others (hermitage) and when an individual is not able to integrate with others (wilderness). These four situations have consequences in how a person communicates, gaining control over the environment, and how he deals with problems through the interpretation of events. These situations are also associated with a specific body of knowledge and the ability to dispose of it, and the ability to regulate relationships with others. As examples of the intersection of these categories – knowledge and relations – the article cites the fate of doctors in a pandemic and conspiracy theories related to it, as well as key cases of certain problems in communication, such as the case of Kaspar Hauser or Japanese hikikomori.
Wasilewski, Jacek (2021). Izolacja i komunikacja. Rodzaje izolacji i towarzyszące im deficyty komunikacyjne. Napis, XXVIII, s. 9-23. http://doi.org/10.18318/napis.2021.1.2