W słabości siła. Bilans ewolucji polskich partii politycznych w latach 1989-2013

The article elaborates on the political parties in Polish Third Republic, from the inception of multi -party system to contemporary days. Its aim is to analyse the evolution of Polish political parties and to point out advantages and disadvan-tages of the process. The Polish parties have undoubtedly undergone a major evolution over the past 25 years and it would seem that in some areas they are becoming similar to parties of Western Europe. However, the author indicates that on many levels their transition remains incomplete – a best -case scenario – or superficial. This in turn leads to a problematic paradox – strengthening of Polish political parties has contributed to weakening the state rather than en-hancing its capabilities. In this sense, the strength of Polish political party seems to be merely a facade behind which serious structural problems are hidden. The alarmingly low levels of trust in politics and social activity alongside the process of cartelization are leading to yet unidentified consequences.
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