The Internal Security of Poland in 2018 – Key Changes and Events

The article presents the most important changes and events of the year 2018 in thefield of Polish internal security. It analyses the changes concerning local security, po-lice services, and secret services, and the creation of new security institutions. Despitea cabinet reshuffle, there could be no major changes in the field, as the Law and Justiceparty remained in power. The year 2018 was definitely one of continuation. Some of themost important events marked the finalization of previous declarations, and some werecaused by the EU. The author argues that the events of 2018 confirm that Poland’s inter-nal security policy is characterized by stability and predictability.
Nyzio, A. (2019). The internal security of Poland in 2018 : key changes and events. In A. Gruszczak (Ed.), Security outlook 2018 (pp. 105–126). Kraków : Księgarnia Akademicka. doi:10.12797/9788381380843.05