Komunikacja niewerbalna jako wyraz więzi w rodzinie

Family is the basic and immediate environment of human life, in which one becomes a person. It is in that social circle that all of the most important needs – existential, conscious and emotional – are being fulfilled. The mutual understanding of the family members creates a plane for integration. A feeling of community is constructed upon it. Interpersonal relationships called social relations are becoming important to everyone. Their character and strength of bond vary. The underlying powers are also diverse. The family as a unique social group has its own codes of communication, including a nonverbal code. Its understanding and correct decoding is made possible through social experience originating in a common circle. Direct contact dominates in this type of communication, with the phatic function being the most important one. Communicating in this way bears a strong emotional charge, which makes it the best means for transferring values. Competence of the users is shaped by the emotional bond between the members of the family.
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