Dwa lata po Fukushimie. Sektor energetyczny, strategia rządu i przyszłość Japonii
In 2011, Japan was hit by an unprecedented disaster – an earthquake and a tsu‑ nami that led to one of the biggest nuclear accidents in world’s history. This paper analyses Japan’s energy situation before and after the event, focusing on whether or not – and if, how – this tragedy changed the country’s energy poli‑ cy. To achieve this aim, the author focuses on Japan’s energy profile, energy mix and characterises the country’s accessibility to natural resources including natu‑ ral gas, oil and hard coal. The article also discusses the country’s electric energy production, warehousing and transmission infrastructure. It provides a detailed analysis of legal regulations and competencies of relevant ministries, as well as governmental policies, strategies and aims. Another significant issue raised is the inclusion of renewable energy sources in Japan’s future energy mix. The paper also takes into consideration the Japanese public’s reaction to the Fukushima dis‑ aster and traces the changing attitude of the Japanese to nuclear energy. The con‑ clusions describe possible future energy scenarios and their consequences for the country’s energy and economic security