Odrąbana gałązka i piekielny żar. Śląski krajobraz w oczach Polaków na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
Author makes an analyze visions of sceneries, which become typical landscape for polish people, who lived in times of XIX and XX century. Sketch shows, that nationality was identified by homestead land and just 'home' word in a meaning of place and was not made by nature retrace, but a description, which came from perspective of itself and spiritual image. As the final result of this theory, landscape constitute a permanent feeling of missing for home and motherland.
Jacek Kurek, Odrąbana gałązka i piekielny żar. Śląski krajobraz w oczach Polaków na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, "Anthropos?" 2011, nr 16-17