Visual Code Across Borders. Visual Communication as the Answer to Intercultural Management Dilemmas
The paper focuses on the visual communication channel and it’s practical implications to the intercultural management practice. Introducing theoretical framework provides arguments for the increasing role of the pictures in the image economy, where esthetics and visual branding are the core elements. Two main fields of business applications of visual channels are drawn in the article: external consumers communication and internal organizational communication. Author’s definition of visual marketing communication (VMC) is provided and the semiotic approach is recommended for the culturally rooted customer communication that increases consumption globally, while information design and infographics are the visual messages suggested for the second field, which is internal, employees communication management.
Waszkiewicz-Raviv A., Visual Code Across Borders. Visual Communication as the Answer to Intercultural Management Dilemmas, [w:] Journal of Intercultural Management, Vol. 7, No. 4, Sułkowski Ł., Chmielecki M. (red.), Wydawnictwo SAN, Łódź 2015, s. 113-121