Cultural Policy on the Art Market in Poland
The paper concerns the problem of government intervention in the field of culture. It presents the cultural policy on the art market in Poland with reference to the cultural policies on art implemented in the other countries of the European Community. The aim of the paper is to present several proposals concerning the changes in legal regulations due to development of the art market. The first part of the paper presents legal and economic aspects of the art market status in Poland based on the actual implemented law (the artist’s resale right called droit de suite, status of artists, conditions of performing artistic activity, social security for artists; fiscal policy, foreign trade in art. The second part concerns the possible instruments of government intervention applied to the art market that influence both supply and demand side of the market in question. The last part of the paper contains the author’s proposals for the changes in legal regulations improving the state of the art market. The annex focuses on the international comparisons for the matter in question. The EC countries serve as the reference points of view.
Bialynicka-Birula J., Cultural Policy on the Art Market in Poland, in: EAEPE 2009 Annual Conference (European Association for Evolutionary Political Economics), 6–8 November 2009 r., University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam 2009