„Niełatwo być rodzicem” – prezentacja głównych założeń programu skierowanego do rodziców korzystających z pomocy Miejskiego Ośrodka Pomocy Społecznej w Wałbrzychu
The parenting skills workshop named “It is not easy to be a parent” is an answer to the needs of parents, pedagogues, social workers, and guardians. The article is based on the author’s professional experience. Establishing effective communication with the parents who often feel lost and helpless, and presenting them with ways to bring up their children competently – how to listen to them, how to talk to them, how to set standards, how to support and help them in overcoming difficulties – are the basis of the presented workshops. The author presents the main assumptions of the programme as well as the expected results. Other important factors supporting the process of parents’ education, i.e. the diagnosis and identification of pedagogic problems, cooperation between institutions, motivational influence, and places and resources are also discussed.