Problemy związane z tzw. konstrukcją ciągłości przestępstwa w odniesieniu do instytucji prawa karnego procesowego – res iudicata oraz zakazu ne bis in idem
Przemysław Krawczyk discusses the impact of institutions related to the continuity of a crime on the substantive validity of judgments in criminal cases and the ne bis in idem prohibition that flows from it. The study presents the views of doctrine and judicature which treat the scope of the validity of substantive judgment in relation to conduct (acts) committed in the conditions of continuity. It should be noted at the outset that positions on this issue tend to be diametrically different. Moreover, Krawczyk points out how important it is to set temporal limits to the continuity of an offence. This issue is of considerable importance from the point of view of the substantive validity of a ruling issued in a criminal trial, because incorrect or insufficiently precise delimitation of these limits may result in a violation of some fundamental principles of criminal law, both substantive and procedural.
P. Krawczyk, Problemy związane z tzw. konstrukcją ciągłości przestępstwa w odniesieniu do instytucji prawa karnego procesowego – res iudicata oraz zakazu ne bis in idem, "Problemy Prawa Karnego" 2021, Nr 2.